Friday, July 01, 2005

MBA project awards and acknowledgements

My Colleague EDI Perisic and I are very proud to be part of the project that received the award of:

"Best MBA project 2005"

We would like to acknowledge in return our customer’s Senior VP & General Manager Europe who actively supported this project by helping us to collect the necessary data, invested some personal time, and encouraged us throughout this project.

We would like also to acknowledge Mrs. M.F. Joseph (IFAM’s Dean) who was our advisor for this thesis and for the very helpful and pertinent advises that she delivered to us throughout our research work and Mrs. Alexandra Joseph for her help on some strategy questions.

A special thank also to all our IFAM professors and for their help during this research, in Particular:

  • Mr. Bernard Fevry (Finance),
  • Mrs. Marie-France Derhy (Statistics),
  • Mr. Christophoros Lambridis (Organizational Behavior and Human Resources),
  • Mr. Philip Bloom (Global Business Policy).

Thank you also for all people that supported our work directly or indirectly, our classmates and our families.

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